T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud

T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud

Last updated on October 13, 2023
NameT2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud is the most famous version in the T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud series of publisher HE SOFT
Mod Version13.2.2
Total installs5M+
Content Rating3+
UpdateOct 4, 2022
Get it On Play Store
Android Android Tools
4.0 ( 237 ratings )
Price: $0


• Open text/ePub/PDF files and read aloud it.
• Convert text file into an audio file.
• With the simple built-in browser, you can open your favorite website, let T2S read aloud for you. (You can enter the browser from the left navigation drawer)
• "Type speak" mode: A easy way to speak text your typed.
• Easy to use across apps:

– Use share feature from other apps to send text or URL to T2S to speak. For URL, the app can load and extract the text of articles in web pages.
– On the Android 6+ devices, you can select text from other apps, then tap 'Speak' option from text selection menu to speak your selected text (* Require third-party apps to use standard system components).
– Copy-to-speak: Copy text or URL from other apps, then tap T2S's Floating speak button to speak copied content. You can turn on this feature in the app's settings.


Highly recommend you install and use [Speech Services by Google] as the speech engine, it has best compatibility with this app.
Speech Services by Google:

If the app frequently stops unexpectedly in the background, or it frequently displayed an error messages said: "Speech engine is not responding", you may need change battery saver settings to allow the app and speech engine app to running in the background.
more information about this:
#DontKillMyApp https://dontkillmyapp.com/

Whats New

- Adapt to Android 13
- PDF files: add exclude footer and rearrange text features
- Text now scrolls to the center of the screen instead of the top or bottom
- Other improvements and bug fixes

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Download T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud

You are now ready to download T2S: Text to Voice/Read Aloud for free. Here are some notes:

  1. At first click on the download button 1st time it will redirect to another page,
  2. just click the back button.
  3. Again click the download button when it's redirected to the timer page.
  4. After the timer Download links will appear just click on your desired version now you are good to go.

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